Tuesday, 10 March 2015


Орёл и Решка is a russian language ukrainian TV travel programme. Season 9 episode 14 was all about Nottingham which in russian is Ноттингем. The presenters were Регина Тодоренко and Евгений Синельников. I watched this episode and found it fascinating to see and hear of Nottingham from a different point of view and language.

There is an English wikipedia article about Орёл и Решка https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oryol_i_Reshka

A russian language writeup of the visit to Nottingham/Ноттингем is available on the programme's website orel-reshka.net/9-sezon/321-orel-i-reshka-07-12-2014-nottingem-velikobritaniya.html

Регина Тодоренко stayed in the Edwards room at Langar Hall Country House Hotel langarhall.com/rooms/edwards/

The London RouteMaster Bus was hired from Blackmore Commercials blackmorecommercials.co.uk

Throughout the video there are popups specifying the cost of various items. Interestingly, three different currencies are used - Russian Rubles (РУБ), British Pounds (£), US Dollars ($).

I used a Unicode savvy shortening service to create links to the below video - ta.gd/nottinghamta.gd/ноттингемta.gd/诺丁汉ta.gd/ノッティンガムta.gd/노팅엄ta.gd/नाटिंघमta.gd/Νότιγχαμ doiop.com/น็อตติ้งแฮม

Letʼs also have an emojified link ➜ 🍆😁🌊🏂🎳🐤🎉🍣.🆒🔗.ws