Tuesday 16 March 2021

KISA and KRNIC Korean Domain Names

KISA Korea Internet & Security Agency 한국인터넷진흥원 has responsibilities for South Korea's National networking infrastructure, one of these being to function as the KRNIC Korea Network Information Center 국인터넷정보센터.
  1. 한국인터넷진흥원.한국 KISA
  2. 인터넷진흥원.한국 KISA
  3. 한국인터넷정보센터.한국 KRNIC
  4. 인터넷정보센터.한국 KRNIC
  5. 후이즈검색.한국 whois

Here are kakao road views 카카오로드뷰 of KISA's office building in Naju city 나주시 kko.to/VhocloGDp and kko.to/HINKNBJDp.

Korean Domain Name 한글 도메인 네임