Saturday 27 May 2023

JavaScript Help in Ukrainian

🇺🇦 🌻 Слава Україні 🌻 🇺🇦

Donate direct to Ukraine Україна or

JavaScript Help in Ukrainian ЯваСкрипт довідка українською яваскрипт.укр

In preferences of most browsers one can set a priority list of the languages that one would like text content to be displayed. Some websites support several languages and will display text content in the first supported language it encounters in your browser language priority list.

This language priority list is sent from the browser to the web server in the http headers, specifically the accept-language header. You can view your browser http headers using

I frequently add and change order of my language priority list and usually en (English) is set as my most preferred ie first in the accept-language list. My current Firefox browser accept-language list is: en,en-GB;q=0.95,ko;q=0.91,ja;q=0.86,uk;q=0.82,ar-MA;q=0.77,th;q=0.73,ur;q=0.68,ar;q=0.64,​id;q=0.59,​zh;q=0.55,​hi;q=0.5,​km;q=0.45,ne;q=0.41,zh-TW;q=0.36,en-US;q=0.32,en-TT;q=0.27,zh-CN;q=0.23,pl;q=0.18,zh-HK;q=0.14,zh-SG;q=0.09,es;q=0.05

My previous accept-language list also contained ru (russian) as one of my low priority languages. I had forgotten I had ru in my accept-language list. I visited the Ukrainian JavaScript site яваскрипт.укр and displayed on the landing page was "Другорядна мова у Вашому браузері російська. Не підтримуйте ворогів України!" which Google translates to "The secondary language in your browser is russian. Do not support the enemies of Ukraine!". Considering Ukrainian does not have definite and indefinite articles I will change the translation slightly to "A secondary language in your browser is russian. Do not support the enemies of Ukraine!".

I am totally impressed by this usage of the browser accept-language list. Over many years I have used the accept-language priority list to language adapt websites but I never thought of this usage.

I support Ukraine and so, prompted by the message I have removed ru from the accept-language lists of the browsers I use. On a related note, when I first learned of the russian invasion of Ukraine I immediately removed the yandex browser from my Mac.

Monday 26 December 2022

Ukrainian Cyrillic Domain Names 3

🇺🇦 🌻 Слава Україні 🌻 🇺🇦

Donate direct to Ukraine Україна or

This post is a continuation of

The majority of Ukrainian .укр websites I have so far found are hosted on servers in Ukraine. Some of .укр websites are hosted on servers in other countries. These countries include Canada Канада, Estonia Естонія, Finland Фінляндія, France Франція, Germany Німеччина, Ireland Ірландія, Lithuania Литва, Netherlands Нідерланди, Poland Польща, Portugal Португалія and USA США. Any .укр websites hosted on servers in russia, belarus or iran will not appear in any of my lists.

  1. Tractors Торговий Дім Тракторний Завод трактора.укр
  2. Eurovision Пісенний конкурс Євробачення євробачення.укр
  3. Website development Студія сайтобудування "веББер" веббер.укр
  4. Oregon chainsaws Орегон бензопили орегон.укр
  5. I Know Знаю: articles on various topics знаю.укр
  6. Heaters Обігрівачі уден.обігрівачі.укр
  7. Sewing Machines Швейних Машин швейні-машинки.укр
  8. Тернопільський обласний благодійний фонд допомоги сиротам "МАЙБУТНЄСИРІТ" майбутнєсиріт.укр
  9. Children's Furniture Дитячі меблі парта.укр/ua
  10. Safes Світ Сейфів мирсейфов.укр/ua
  11. Weighing Equipment Вагове обладнання горизонт.укр/ua
  12. European Travel Guide Що відвідати в Європі: 10 Places 10місць.укр
  13. Mercedes-Benz Мерседес-Бенц мерседес-бенц.укр
  14. Wichlacz solid fuel boilers Віхлач твердопаливні котли твердопаливний-котел.укр
  15. Online furniture store Интернет магазин мебели дд.укр
  16. PDR (traffic codes) Tests 2024 with answers ПДР (Правила дорожнього руху) Тести 2024 з відповідями пдр.укр
  17. Caviar Ікра ікра.укр
  18. Hotel Ratne Готель Ратне «У Коріня» укоріня.укр
  19. Christmas Carols Колядки коляда.укр
  20. Arborist Services Спил дерева Одеса - обрізка дерева - скос трави - обізка тополя спил.укр/uk/home-ua
  21. Seeton Сітон - провідний системний інтегратор України та Азербайджану сітон.укр
  22. Reader's Diary Читацький щоденник чтиво.укр
  23. Taxi Baryshivka Таксі Баришівка шик.укр
  24. Weighing Equipment Виробник вагового обладнання «Даск Транс Сервіс» весы-автомобильные.укр/ua
  25. Frames Рамки для фото дипломів постерів картин сертифікатів рамки.укр
  26. Tourist places in Lviv region Туристичних місць Львівщини мандри.укр
  27. Aluminium Ukraine Алюміній Україна алюминий.укр/ua
  28. Car Services Автопідбір Вінниця та Україна автопідбір.укр
  29. Military clothing, equipment, accessories Військовий одяг, спорядження, аксесуари сапер.укр
  30. UIG Record Label UIG Лейбл Звукозапису лейбл.укр
  31. Gravel and Sand Якісний матеріал на будівництво з доставкою: відсів, пісок, щебінь, торф щебінь-пісок.укр
  32. ALCOUKR АЛКОУКР — інтернет магазин алкоголю в тетрапаках (віскі, горілка, коньяк, джин, ром, абсент) алко.укр
  33. Ukrainian Web Guide Український веб-довідник дарунок.укр
  34. Portable AntiDrone Protection Портативний антидроновий захист антидрон.укр
  35. Tourniquet Турнікет кровоспинний гарт.укр
  36. Metal products МеталоПрокат - оптові постачання металопрокату по Україні металопрокат.укр
  37. Tow Truck Евакуатор на Київщині - Усі послуги евакуації вашого авто евакуатор-на-київщині.укр
  38. Manor of Radyslav Vizhnytsia Садиба у Радислава Віжниця готель-сауна-чан-мангал-віжниця.укр
  39. Helen Tsogoeva - English Teacher Цогоєва Олена - Вчитель з англійської мови англійська.укр
  40. Education Освіта школяр.укр
  41. Chornomorsk Accomodation Чорноморськ оренда чорноморенда.укр
  42. Colouring Розфарбовування подарунок.укр/ua
  43. Trailers Причепи причепи.укр/ua

The following sites do not specify the Ukrainian language in the opening html tag.

  1. Cheremoskyi Park Національний природний парк «Черемоський» черемоський.укр
  2. Upholstered furniture Перетяжка мʼяких меблів зра.укр

The following sites are not using the correct language tag in the opening html tag. The incorrect html code used is: <html lang="uk-UK">. The correct html code is <html lang="uk-UA">.

  1. UANIC, Ukrainian Network Information Center Український Мережевий Інформаційний Центр УМІЦ.укр/?lang=UK

The following sites incorrectly use the attribute lang="en" or lang="eng" in the opening html tag. It should be lang="uk" or lang="uk-UA"

  1. Ukrainian Onomastic Commission Українська ономастична комісія уок.укр
  2. FitLine ФитЛайн фитлайн.укр
  3. Verification of Water Meters Повірка Лічильників Води поверка.укр
  4. Drop by Drop, charitable fund Крапля до краплі, Благодійний фонд краплядокраплі.укр

The following sites incorrectly use the attribute lang="ua" in the opening html tag. It should be lang="uk" or lang="uk-UA"

  1. Pumps Насоси, Fodder Shredders Кормоподрібнювачі & Electric Convectors Електроконвектори господар.укр
  2. Water and heat, gas and electricity meters Лічильників води та тепла, газу та електричної підрахуй.укр
  3. Infrared Ceramic Heaters Інфрачервоні керамічні обігрівачі венеція.укр
  4. Firefighting equipment Протипожежне Обладнання пожкомплекс.укр
  5. Drones Благодійний фонд Кропля до краплі - ДРОНИ краплядокраплі-дрони.укр

The following sites incorrectly use the attribute lang="en-US" in the opening html tag. It should be lang="uk" or lang="uk-UA"

  1. Self-Build Support Самобуд самобуд.укр

The following sites incorrectly use the attribute lang="uk_UA" in the opening html tag. It should instead be lang="uk-UA". Underscore instead of hyphen is incorrectly being used as the separator.

  1. Directory of Ukrainian Words Он-лайн Довідник Українських Слів що-таке.укр

Monday 29 August 2022

Apostrophe in Ukrainian Domain Names

🇺🇦 🌻 Слава Україні 🌻 🇺🇦

Donate direct to Ukraine Україна or

I was totally impressed when I recently discovered that Ukrainian .укр Cyrillic Domain Names can include an apostrophe.

In Unicode there are actually three apostrophe characters.

  1. ' U+0027 APOSTROPHE

The first two break words but the last is non breaking and so does not break words or domain name labels. U+02BC is the apostrophe used in Ukrainian .укр Cyrillic Domain Names.

UANIC is the Ukrainian Network Information Center Українським Мережевим Інформаційним Центром. UANIC maintains a list of the Unicode characters which are allowed in Ukrainian Domain Names. The allowed set of characters consists of hyphen, decimal digits, cyrillic letters and apostrophe. The complete and detailed list of allowed characters is on UANIC's site at

What of other registries? I looked at Verisign's allowed characters for Ukrainian language domain names ➜ The Verisgn allowed characters are the same as UANIC except for the aforementioned apostrophe which is not allowed by Verisgn. IMHO, Verisgn should also allow U+02BC apostrophe in Ukrainian language domain names.

I have also checked the Ukrainian IDN tables in the Repository of IDN Practices ➜ (accessed 27th Feb 2023). There are multiple Ukrainian IDN tables from multiple Registries. Each table explicitly lists the characters allowed for IDN registrations. None of the Registries Ukrainian IDN tables include U+02BC MODIFIER LETTER APOSTROPHE. They could! They should! They must!

Apostrophe is used in the Ukrainian language

If you look at my previous post you will see many Ukrainian .укр Cyrillic Domain Names. I have not yet encountered one containing an apostrophe. I would guess that most are not aware it is possible.

I have now found a rather unique domain name which consists of just a single apostrophe at the 2nd level ʼ.укр. It is the "support site for the national cyrillic domain .укр (Сайт підтримки національного кириличного домену .укр) and it works!.

Letʼs check it against IDNA2003 and IDNA2008 ( using "Unicode Utilities: Internationalized Domain Names (IDN)" ➜ʼ.укр. Everything good!🙂

There is still an issue which is the display of the domain name in the browser address bar. I have tried several browsers and most display incorrectly as punycode, xn--mqa.xn--j1amh or, instead of Unicode ʼ.укр. So far, the only browser I have found which correctly displays as ʼ.укр is Firefox.

Incidentally, тест.укр (test.ukraine) resolves to the same site as ʼ.укр

Monday 8 August 2022

Ukrainian Cyrillic Domain Names 2

🇺🇦 🌻 Слава Україні 🌻 🇺🇦

Donate direct to Ukraine Україна or

This post is a continuation of The purpose of my Ukraine posts is to promote Ukraine: it's language, it's businesses, it's organisations, it's culture and every aspect of Ukraine I can find manifested in Ukrainian websites. I consider this will benefit Ukraine's economy and businesses.

All web addresses I list below use the cyrillic TLD (Top Level Domain) .укр which is an abbreviation for Ukraine. The text content of the listed sites is written in the Ukrainian language. These sites are hosted on servers in various different countries. Any sites hosted on servers in russia or belarus will NOT appear in my list.

  1. Insurance24 Страхування24 страхування
  2. Agrokram Agricultural Machinery Агрокрам сільськогосподарської техніки агрокрам.укр
  3. NIC.UA Ukrainian domain name registrar Замовляй домен .укр та підтримуй Україну домен.укр
  4. Zaporizhzhia Concrete Бетон Запоріжжя бетон.укр
  5. Bullerjan Stoves калориферних печей «булер'ян» булерьян.укр/uk
  6. Embroidery Вишивка вышивка.укр/ua
  7. Together Разом разом.укр
  8. Western Ukrainian Pastries західно-українських пляцків та тортів пляцки.укр
  9. PET Bottles ПЕТ Пляшки бутилка.укр
  10. Education Диплом - Все про Освіту: Вищу, Загальну Середню та Початкову диплом.укр
  11. Earplugs беруши беруши.укр/ua
  12. ЗАМОК.УКР locks & accessories інтернет-магазин замків та фурнітури замок.укр/ua
  13. Home Internet Дім Інтернет дім-інтернет.укр
  14. Machining Lubricating & Cooling Fluids Мастильно-Охолоджуюча Рідина химпром.укр
  15. Graduation Album Випускний Альбом випускнийальбом.укр
  16. Online Store інтернет-магазині «Болгарка» болгарка.укр/ua
  17. Vehicle Inspection Судову автотоварознавчу експертизу та оцінку колісних транспортних засобів автоекспертиза.укр
  18. Alarms Сигналізації сигналізації.укр
  19. Mother Мама мама.укр 👩.🇺🇦
  20. Power Tools Прокат-Сервіс: вигідний прокат та ремонт інструменту прокат-сервіс.укр
  21. Ceramic Tiles Керамика - інтернет магазин керамічної плитки керамика.укр/ua
  22. Computer Help Online Компʼютерна допомога онлайн компютернадопомога.укр
  23. Khotyn Special School No. 1 Хотинська спеціальна школа №1 нашашкола.укр
  24. Water Coolers Кулерова - кулери для води і аксесуари кулерова.укр/ua
  25. Spare Parts for Household Appliances Запчастини до побутової, кухонної та кліматичної техніки нашклимат.укр/ua
  26. Electro electrical goods Електро електротоварів електро.укр
  27. Doors Двері мсм.укр/index_ukr.html
  28. Fujitsu 富士通 Air Conditioners Кондиціонери Фуджитсу фуджитсу.укр
  29. Sewing Machines Швейні машини грайфер.укр
  30. Hollowfibre Холлофайбер холлофайбер.укр/uk
  31. Roses from Troyandovo Троянди з Трояндового троянди-з-трояндового.укр
  32. Hlevakha Глеваха глеваха.укр
  33. Stationery Канцтоварів для офісу, школи, товарів для творчості канцтовар.укр
  34. Digital Printing Колофарб-Принт: Сучасні цифрові рішення для друку колофарб.укр
  35. Vitamins & Minerals Вітаміни і Мінерали ситимама.укр/ua
  36. Military Uniforms & Camouflage Военная форма и камуфляж корка.укр/ua
  37. Children's Beds Дитячі ліжка детские-кровати.укр/uk
  38. Psychologist Автоматизована інформаційна система «Я-ПСИХОЛОГ» я-психолог.укр
  39. Your Oven Ваш Печник - Украинский центр печных услуг и товаров ваш.печник.укр/ua
  40. Windows Вікна алиас.укр/uk
  41. Business card site Сайт визитка сайт-визитка.укр
  42. Psychological Help безкоштовна i конфіденційна психологічна допомога по всій Україні небайдуже.укр
  43. Memorial меморіал меморіал.укр
  44. Chernihiv Trolleybus Management Чернігівське Тролейбусне Управління чту.укр
  45. Monuments Памятники памятники.укр/?lang=uk
  46. Backpacks Рюкзаки,Сумки,Гаманці,Взуття,Термочашки,Чоловічі Ремені рюкзачок.укр
  47. Atlantic Water Heaters Водонагреватели Атлантик атлантик.укр/uk
  48. Heaters Обігрівачі: керамічні та електрорадіатори опалення еко.обігрівачі.укр
  49. Chillers Чиллери ua.охлаждение.укр
  50. Power Tools Електроінструментом і товарами народного споживання сетевой.укр/ua
  51. Scrap Metal Металобрухт металобрухт.укр/uk
  52. Student Study Help Курсова - Допомога Студенту в Навчанні: Лайфхаки та Поради курсова.укр
  53. Freight Вантажні перевезення Львів 🚚 МІЙ ПЕРЕЇЗД 💪 Вантажники мійпереїзд.укр
  54. Toporiv Lyceum Топорівський ліцей Городенківської міської ради топорівська-школа.укр
  55. Doors Двері Украини дверіукраїни.укр/ua
  56. Intermediary in Ukraine and Poland Посередник в Україні та Польщі посредник.укр
  57. Metal & Wood Products АГРОБУД - вироби з металу та дерева для дому, офісу, промисловості агробуд.укр
  58. Fencing ЗАБОР.УКР сайт, присвяченний продажу панельних, секційних, металевих, та інших парканів по всьому світу забор.укр/uk
  59. 3D Printing 3Д друк в Україні 3д-друк.укр
  60. Paper Paradise Паперовий рай паперовий-рай.укр/uk
  61. Paving бруківка, тротуарна плитка, бордюри у м. Черкаси бруківка.укр
  62. Stucco Decor Ліпний декор Європласт европласт.укр/ua
  63. Website Development Розробка сайтів в Одесі | Просування сайтів - Студія Укр студия.укр/ua
  64. Web Studio "UniqueWeb" Веб Студія "ЮнікВеб" вебстудія.укр
  65. Telecom Ukraine Телеком Україна телеком.укр
  66. Education in Starokostyantyniv Офіційний сайт Управління освіти м. Старокостянтинова освіта-стм.укр
  67. Spruce log cabins Зруб зі смереки смерекова-хата.укр

How many Ukrainian укр domains are registered? According to (Accessed 21st February 2024) there are 17289. According to обирай.укр (Accessed 21st February 2024) there are 14967.

Tuesday 17 May 2022

Ukrainian Cyrillic Domain Names

🇺🇦 🌻 Слава Україні 🌻 🇺🇦

Donate direct to Ukraine Україна or

This post is a continuation of The purpose of my Ukraine posts is to promote Ukraine: it's language, it's businesses, it's organisations, it's culture and every aspect of Ukraine I can find manifested in Ukrainian websites. I consider this will, in some small way, benefit Ukraine's economy.

All web addresses I list below use the cyrillic TLD (Top Level Domain) .укр which is an abbreviation for Ukraine. The text content of the listed sites is written in the Ukrainian language. These sites are hosted on servers in various different countries. Any sites hosted on servers in russia or belarus will NOT appear in my list.

  1. Investments Про Інвестиції про-інвестиції.укр
  2. Waste Management Комплексні послуги поводження з відходами здайвідходи.укр
  3. Do Business, Ukraine Роби Бізнес, Укр робибізнес.укр
  4. Together Разом разом.укр
  5. SpeedTest СпиидТест спиидтест.укр & спидтест.укр
  6. Yuta Service Юта Сервіс юс.укр
  7. NEO real estate НЕО нерухомого майна нео.укр
  8. Ukrainian Orthodox Church Українська Православна Церква єпархія.укр
  9. Bryza gutters & soffits Бриза водостоки та софіти бриза.укр
  10. Plumbing Supplies Сантехніка водяной.укр/ua
  11. HPMOR Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality ГПІМР Гаррі Поттер і Методи Раціональности гпімр.укр
  12. Osteopathy Остеопатия остеопатия.укр
  13. Real Estate Appraisals Оцінки Нерухомості оцінка.укр
  14. RPG games and quests РПГ ігор та квестів рпг.укр
  15. Week Number Номер Тижня номертижня.укр
  16. Foam Insulation Утеплення Пінопластом утеплення.укр
  17. Zhytomyr Regional Center for Calculation and Implementation of Social Payments Житомирський обласний центр по нарахуванню та здійсненню соціальних виплат жсоц.укр
  18. Leader CNC Комплектуючі до станків та промислового обладнання Лідер ЧПУ лидерчпу.укр/ua
  19. Traumatology, orthopedics, sports medicine Травматологія, ортопедія, спортивна медицина травма.укр
  20. Sharpening tools, Auto goods Инструменты для затачивания, Автотовари є-сенс.укр/uk
  21. Ukrainian calendar Український календар календар.укр
  22. Recipes Рецепти смачно.укр
  23. Résumé, CV Створити CV, Резюме Українською резюме.укр

It is good practice to specify the (human) language of the text content of a site. A simple way of doing this is to specify it in the opening html tag using the lang attribute which is what the sites in the above list do. Website specification of the Ukrainian language can be achieved with <html lang="uk"> or <html lang="uk-UA"> where uk is the code for the Ukrainian language and UA is the code for Ukraine.

The following sites do not specify the Ukrainian language in the opening html tag.

  1. License Centre Центр Ліцензій, Державні Ліцензії України лицензии.укр
  2. Prizes, toys and gifts Призи, іграшки and подарунки приз.укр
  3. Exercise Equipment Купити турнік від виробника турники.укр/ua
  4. Crayfish раки раки.укр
  5. Needlework Все для рукоділля інтернет-магазин Сундучок-канзаши сундучок-канзаши.укр
  6. Rats of Narnia Питомник декоративных крыс крысята.укр
  7. Podilska Hydropower Company Подільська Гідроенергетична компанія пек.укр
  8. Chess Шахи шахи.укр
  9. Danke Windowsills Спеціалізований магазин підвіконня Данке данке.укр/ua
  10. Electric Blankets Електропростирадла, електроматраси, електроковдри электропростынь.укр
  11. Artificial Plants Український виробник штучних рослин рослини.укр
  12. TopService IT Equipment Інтернет-магазин техніки м. Кропивницький - ТопСервіс топсервіс.укр
  13. Oleo-Mac Garden Machinery Олео-Мак садового і лісообробного обладнання олео-мак.укр
  14. Librarian Blog Блоґ про бібліотечну справу та інформаційні технології бібліотекар.укр
  15. Floor Screeding Стяжка пiдлоги механiзованим способом штукатурка.укр

The following sites do use the lang attribute in the opening html tag but incorrectly use lang="ua" where "ua" is the code for Ukraine. The Ukrainian language codes "uk" or "uk-UA" should be used.

  1. Online Toy Store Інтернет-магазин іграшок масяня.укр
  2. Embroidery Вишивки скарб.укр
  3. Kindergarten Дитячий садок Радосинь радосинь.укр
  4. Package Shop Магазин Пакетів пакет.укр
  5. Power Tools електроінструменту бензопила.укр
  6. Toothbrushes зубні щітки зубні-щітки.укр
  7. Remote Control Systems ОКО™ розробка, виробництво, продаж систем віддаленого контролю обʼєктiв око.укр
  8. Contact Lenses Контактні лінзи лінзи.укр
  9. Servers, Hosting, Domains Сервера, Хостинг, Домени сервера.укр/ua
  10. Home textiles and bed linen Домашній текстиль та постільна білизна постель.укр

The following sites incorrectly use lang="ua-UA". The correct html tag attribute is lang="uk-UA"

  1. Choose .укр Обирай .укр обирай.укр

The following Ukrainian language sites incorrectly use lang="en" or lang="en-US" where en = english.

  1. Medicines Всеукраїнська асоціація захисту прав споживачів лікарських засобів і медичної продукції ліки.укр
  2. UtilVtorProm: waste management УтильВторПром: поводження відходами утилизация.укр/uk
  3. Currency Exchange Обміночка обміночка.укр
  4. Fopsoroka Oils and Fibers Fopsoroka - виробник олій та клітковин справжніолії.укр
  5. Balloons Повітряні кульки повітряні-кульки.укр
  6. AliExpress Affiliate, Ukraine Партнерка АліЕкспрес, Україна аліекспрес.укр
  7. Vitamins and Supplements Натуральні вітаміни та добавки айхерб.укр

The following sites provide user selectable Ukrainian and russian language versions of their sites but incorrectly use lang="ru" when viewing the Ukrainian language version.

  1. My Family полотенца.укр

The following sites have their text content in the Ukranian language but incorrectly use the html attribute lang="ru"

  1. Kharkiv Medical College Харківський Обласний Медичний Коледж медколедж.укр
  2. Concrete Fences Бетонні Паркани заборбородянка.укр
  3. Vilpe Ventilation Вілпе Вентиляції вілпе.укр
  4. Krechyna: couplings for engines Кречина: муфти для двигунів муфта.укр
  5. Building Materials Supermarket Супермаркет Будівельних Матеріалів цвях.укр
  6. Polaroid Glasses ®Окуляри Полароид. Спеціалізований інтернет - магазин полароид.укр/ua

The following sites incorrectly use lang="ru-RU" when the site text content is written in the Ukrainian language.

  1. Monolith Publishing House: automotive literature on repair and operation Монолит Видавництво: автомобільна література по ремонту та експлуатації монолит.укр
  2. Adventure Map Мапа Пригод мапапригод.укр

The following sites incorrectly use lang="ukr". The correct html tag attributes are lang="uk-UA" or lang="uk"

  1. Family Lawyer Сімейний адвокат в Києві развод.укр/ukr

The following sites incorrectly use lang="uk-UK". The correct html tag attributes are lang="uk-UA" or lang="uk"

  1. Accounting Services Kyiv Бухгалтерські послуги Київ бухгалтерские-услуги.укр/uk

article: Language tags in HTML and XML ➜ Language tags utility ➜

Sunday 10 April 2022

Ukrainian Language Websites

🇺🇦 🌻 Слава Україні 🌻 🇺🇦

Donate direct to Ukraine Україна

Common practice amongst multinational businesses and organizations is to localize their websites to the countries they encompass. There are many aspects to localization: date format, currency, information density, colour scheme, news, fashion, foods, customs, climate, history and many more considerations. In this article I will be focusing on those organizations which provide a website localized to the Ukrainian language. The following list is a small sample of Ukrainian language sites provided by a diverse set of organisations. Thank you to all these organisations for supporting the Ukrainian language.

In the following URLs you will see frequent use of ua and uk. ua is the ISO 3166-1 country code for Ukraine ➜ It has multiple uses, one of which is as the internet TLD (Top Level Domain) for Ukraine ➜ uk, in this context, is the language tag for the Ukrainian language ➜ &

Most of these sites use the lang attribute in the opening html tag in order to specify that the language of the webpage text content is predominantly Ukrainian. So far, I have encountered two forms: lang="uk" and lang="uk-UA". The language tag uk-UA means Ukrainian as used in Ukraine. In the context of an html document, it would be coded as <html lang="uk"> or <html lang="uk-UA">. There are other dialects of Ukrainian such as uk-CA, Ukrainian as used in Canada

  1. 3M
  2. Adobe
  3. Airbnb
  4. Apple
  5. AstraZeneca АстраЗенека
  6. BBC
  7. Black+Decker
  9. Canon キヤノン
  10. Cisco
  11. Coca-Cola
  12. Colgate-Palmolive
  13. Deloitte
  14. DHL
  15. Electrolux
  16. Ford Форд
  17. GoDaddy
  18. Hesburger
  19. IKEA
  20. Jehovah's Witnesses Свідки Єгови
  21. John Deere
  22. KFC
  23. KONE
  24. KPMG
  25. Lancôme
  26. Lego Ле́го
  27. LG Electronics 엘지 전자
  28. Lush
  29. MAS Seeds
  30. Mastercard
  31. McDonaldʼs МакДональдз
  32. Medtronic
  33. Mercedes-Benz
  34. Michelin
  35. Microsoft
  36. Nestlé
  37. Nivea
  38. Panasonic パナソニック Панасонік
  39. PepsiCo
  40. Philips
  41. PwC
  42. Ryanair
  43. Samsung 삼성
  44. Shell
  45. Sony ソニー
  46. Spotify
  47. Suzuki スズキ
  48. Tinder Тіндер
  49. Toyota トヨタ Тойота
  50. Uber
  51. Unilever
  52. UPS
  53. Visa
  54. Volvo

The following list consists of sites having the Cyrillic TLD (Top Level Domain) укр which is a standard abbreviation for Ukraine/Україна. I have noticed that some укр sites are hosted on servers in russia. Sites hosted on russian servers will NOT be included in my list!

  1. Online Shopping одевайка.укр
  2. Advertisements site оголошення.укр
  3. Online Lessons Конспекти уроків на всі класи з усіх предметів конспект.укр
  4. Painting by numbers kits Картині за номерами рисуй.укр
  5. Children's Books Дитячі книги з малюнками українською казка.укр
  6. Tractors трактора.укр 🚜.🇺🇦
  7. Automotive Equipment прибор.укр
  8. Battery Chargers Зарядний пристрій аида.укр/ua
  9. Disease Control & Prevention духолцмоз.укр
  10. Veres Children's Furniture Дитячі меблі Верес верес.укр
  11. Car Servicing Equipment Компанія «Гранд Інструмент» - найбільший в Україні постачальник обладнання та професійних інструментів для автосервісу грандинструмент.укр/ua
  12. Diary of Impressions Щоденник Вражень щоденниквражень.укр
  13. Mathematics Математика математика.укр
  14. Hospital Новоушицька центральна лікарня новоуш.црл.укр
  15. Pulsar Construction Пульсар Констракшн пульсар-констракшн.укр/uk
  16. Technical Fabrics of Ukraine Технічні Тканини України технічні-тканини.укр
  17. Brodivskyi Forestry Бродівський лісгосп броди-ліс.укр
  18. Seals Кременчук Гумотехніка кременчукгумотехніка.укр/index.php/ua & сальник.укр/index.php/ua
  19. Aroma Online Інтернет-магазин Арома арома.укр/ua
  20. Plumbing ЮДИ Сантехника юди-сантехника.укр
  21. Academy of Sciences Мала академія наук України Тернопіль ман.укр
  22. Diabetes Київський благодійний фонд «Діабетик» діабетик.укр
  23. Prayer Book Молитовник молитовник.укр
  24. JavaScript Help in Ukrainian ЯваСкрипт довідка українською яваскрипт.укр
  25. Recycling Прийом вторсировини та відходів у м.Львів прийомка-львів.укр
  26. Kindergarten Дзвіночок, Заклад дошкільної освіти дзвіночок.укр

One of the Ukrainian Registrars for .укр domains is NIC.UA ➜ &

🚜.🇺🇦   You have probably seen photos and videos of the Ukrainian Farmy using their tractors to tow away russian military equipment. The Ukrainian Domain Name трактора.укр is totally relevant to this as it translates to tractor.ukraine. So totally cool and so totally perfect.

Monday 7 February 2022

Hashtagging Irish Names which have an Apostrophe

There are quite a number of Irish family names of the form OʼName. These names include OʼNeill, OʼBrien, OʼLeary, OʼRegan, OʼDell, OʼHara, OʼSullivan, OʼConnor, OʼBannon, OʼBoyle, OʼHanlon, OʼKeefe, OʼMalley and OʼReilly. There is an extensive list of Irish family names at

The apostrophe (that most people use on the internet) breaks a word and so, for example O'Hanlon is broken into O and 'Hanlon. Hashtagging O'Hanlon will result in the hashtag #O and the plain text 'Hanlon.

In Unicode there are actually three apostrophe characters.

  1. ' U+0027 APOSTROPHE

The first two apostrophe characters break words and hence hashtags. The last apostrophe though can be used to make unbroken hashtags. I have tested on twitter and facebook and it works just fine. Here is a tweet demonstrating use of the 3 apostrophes in hashtags ➜ In principle, it should work on those systems which account for Unicode character properties.

Monday 13 September 2021

Japanese Dog Food Domain Name

This morning I discovered an excellent Japanese dog food domain name ➜ プレミアムドッグフード.コム This translates as "premium dog food".com. It resolves to a well developed and complete website which provides comprehensive information on dog food.

The winning bonus feature of this site is that, as well as the domain name, the pathname part of the URLs is written in Japanese which is why I am writing about it in my blog. Many sites have an excellent non Latin Script domain name but, unfortunately and disappointingly, use ASCII for the pathname part of the URL.

Here are some of the fully Japanese URLs for プレミアムドッグフード.コム.

  1. プレミアムドッグフード.コム/モグワンドッグフード
  2. プレミアムドッグフード.コム/カナガンドッグフード
  3. プレミアムドッグフード.コム/ネルソンズドッグフード
  4. プレミアムドッグフード.コム/カテゴリー/ドッグフードの選び方

So, you have clicked one of the links in the above list and in the address bar of your browser you see the totally cool, fully Japanese URL. Suppose you now want to paste that URL into your word processor. You will most likely expect that what you see in the address bar of your browser is what you will get after the paste into your word processor. Well, sometimes you will and sometimes not. It will be dependent on the browser you are using.

As is common practice in computing and for good reasons, what is presented to users can be different to what is actually used under the bonnet. URLs may be ASCII encoded which for the domain name part will be punycode encoding and for the pathname part will be percent encoding

I tested copy/pasting of the browser address bar content to TextEdit with my current cocktail mix of browsers and versions. Safari, Opera and Yandex Яндекс gave me the fully Japanese URL text, which is what I want and as it should be.

Firefox gave me:

Chrome and Naver Whale 네이버 웨일 gave me:

These two ASCII encoded forms should never be presented to the user. This does not happen just with Japanese URLs. It happens with Unicode URLs. The Japanese characters are a subset of Unicode.

Japanese Domain Name 日本語ドメイン名

Monday 30 August 2021

Water Margin Domain Names

Water Margin 水浒传/水滸傳 is one of the great Chinese classic novels. This novel features 108 heroes/outlaws. The .网址 Registry has individual webpages for many of these heroes, along with a Water Margin Domain Name of the form "hero name in simplfied chinese".网址. Below I list the heroes ordered by their ranking in and一百单八将 Currently I have listed only the 36 Heavenly Spirits 三十六天罡. Maybe in the future I will also add the 72 Earthly Fiends 七十二地煞.

The format of each list item is:

    name, nickname, domain name
I have included their nicknames because some of them are just so cool 😎

  1. Song Jiang 宋江, Protector of Justice 呼保義 宋江.网址
  2. Lu Junyi 卢俊义, Jade Qilin 玉麒麟 卢俊义.网址
  3. Wu Yong 吴用, Resourceful Star 智多星 吴用.网址
  4. Gongsun Sheng 公孙胜, Dragon in the Clouds 入雲龍 公孙胜.网址
  5. Guan Sheng 关胜, Great Blade 大刀 关胜.网址
  6. Lin Chong 林冲, Panther Head 豹子頭 林冲.网址
  7. Qin Ming 秦明, Fiery Thunderbolt 霹靂火 秦明.网址
  8. Huyan Zhou 呼延灼, Double Clubs 雙鞭 呼延灼.网址
  9. Hua Rong 花荣, Little Li Guang 小李廣 花荣.网址
  10. Chai Jin 柴进, Little Whirlwind 小旋風 柴进.网址
  11. Li Ying 李应, Striking Hawk 撲天雕 李应.网址
  12. Zhu Tong 朱仝, Lord of the Beautiful Beard 美鬚公 朱仝.网址
  13. Lu Zhishen 鲁智深, Flowery Monk 花和尚 鲁智深.网址
  14. Wu Song 武松, Tiger-fighting Hero 打虎英雄 武松.网址
  15. Dong Ping 董平, General of Double Spears 雙槍將 董平.网址
  16. Zhang Qing 张清, Featherless Arrow 沒羽箭 张清.网址
  17. Yang Zhi 杨志, Blue Faced Beast 青面獸 😞
  18. Xu Ning 徐宁, Gold Lancer 金槍手 徐宁.网址
  19. Suo Chao 索超, Impatient Vanguard 急先鋒 索超.网址
  20. Dai Zong 戴宗, Magic Traveller 神行太保 戴宗.网址
  21. Liu Tang 刘唐, Red Haired Devil 赤髮鬼 刘唐.网址
  22. Li Kui 李逵, Black Whirlwind 黑旋風 李逵.网址
  23. Shi Jin 史进, Nine Tattooed Dragons 九紋龍 史进.网址
  24. Mu Hong 穆弘, Unrestrained 沒遮攔 穆弘.网址
  25. Lei Heng 雷横, Winged Tiger 插翅虎 雷横.网址
  26. Li Jun 李俊, River Dragon 混江龍 😞
  27. Ruan Xiaoʼer 阮小二, Tai Sui Who Stands His Ground 立地太歲 😞
  28. Zhang Heng 张横, Boatman 船火兒 张横.网址
  29. Ruan Xiaowu 阮小五, Short-lived Second Brother 短命二郎 阮小五.网址
  30. Zhang Shun 张顺, White Stripe in the Waves 浪里白條 😞
  31. Ruan Xiaoqi 阮小七, Living King Yama 活閻羅 阮小七.网址
  32. Yang Xiong 杨雄, Sick Guan Suo 病關索 😞
  33. Shi Xiu 石秀, Daredevil Third Brother 拚命三郎 石秀.网址
  34. Xie Zhen 解珍, Double-headed Snake 兩頭蛇 解珍.网址
  35. Xie Bao 解宝, Twin-tailed Scorpion 雙尾蠍 解宝.网址
  36. Yan Qing 燕青, Prodigal 浪子 燕青.网址

😞 means either There isnʼt a 网址 webpage for that character and hence no Water Margin Domain Name or I have not been able to find one.

Chinese Domain Name 中文域名

Tuesday 24 August 2021

Dream of the Red Chamber Domain Names

Dream of the Red Chamber 红楼梦 is one of the great classic Chinese novels, the author of which is Cao Xueqin 曹雪芹 曹雪芹.网址. This novel contains an impressive 400+ characters.

In my article I introduced the impressive .网址 (website) Registry initiative which consists of many hundreds of single webpages each of which gives information on a person. The person may be fictional, real or mythical. Each of these single webpages has a domain name of the form "person name".网址. In my aforementioned article I listed a small number of "Dream of the Red Chamber Character".网址 domain names.

I decided to set myself a challenge which was to find all the "Dream of the Red Chamber Character".网址 domain names and below is what I found. I think it highly likely there are more pages than I have found though I do assume there will not be pages for minor characters that make only a brief appearance in the novel.

I have never read Dream of the Red Chamber and so have little knowledge of it. I may well have made mistakes and omitted relevant domain names in my list below. The first three items on my list are the three principle characters of the novel. Apart from that I have not made any attempt to organise or categorise the characters. I have just appended to the list, as I found their .网址 webpages.

  1. Jia Baoyu 贾宝玉 贾宝玉.网址
  2. Lin Daiyu 林黛玉 林黛玉.网址
  3. Xue Baochai 薛宝钗 薛宝钗.网址
  4. Jia Zheng 贾政 贾政.网址
  5. Lady Wang 王夫人 王夫人.网址
  6. Grandmother Jia 贾母 贾母.网址
  7. Qin Zhong 秦钟 秦钟.网址
  8. Liu Xianglian 柳湘莲 柳湘莲.网址
  9. Qin Keqing 秦可卿 秦可卿.网址
  10. Feng Ziying 冯紫英 冯紫英.网址
  11. Jia Yuanchun 贾元春 贾元春.网址
  12. Shi Xiangyun 史湘云 史湘云.网址
  13. Jia Huan 贾环 贾环.网址
  14. Jin Chuan 金钏 金钏.网址
  15. Qingwen 晴雯 晴雯.网址
  16. Jia Qiang 贾蔷 贾蔷.网址
  17. Ling Guan 龄官 龄官.网址
  18. Grandma Liu 刘姥姥 刘姥姥.网址
  19. Miaoyu 妙玉 妙玉.网址
  20. Pingʼer 平儿 平儿.网址
  21. Xiren 袭人 袭人.网址
  22. Li Wan 李纨 李纨.网址
  23. Jia Tanchun 贾探春 贾探春.网址
  24. Xue Baoqin 薛宝琴 薛宝琴.网址
  25. Jia Yucun 贾雨村 贾雨村.网址
  26. Zijuan 紫鹃 紫鹃.网址
  27. Third Sister You 尤三姐 尤三姐.网址
  28. Xiangling 香菱 香菱.网址
  29. Xue Pan 薛蟠 薛蟠.网址
  30. Jiang Yuhan 蒋玉菡 蒋玉菡.网址
  31. Jia Zhen 贾珍 贾珍.网址
  32. Jia Rong 贾蓉 贾蓉.网址
  33. Concubine Zhao 赵姨娘 赵姨娘.网址
  34. Si Qi 司棋 司棋.网址
  35. Lady Xing 邢夫人 邢夫人.网址
  36. Second Sister You 尤二姐 尤二姐.网址
  37. Fang Guan 芳官 芳官.网址
  38. Jia Rui 贾瑞 贾瑞.网址
  39. Zhinengʼer 智能儿 智能儿.网址
  40. Caixia 彩霞 彩霞.网址
  41. Jia Lan 贾兰 贾兰.网址
  42. Sheyue 麝月 麝月.网址
  43. Qiaojie 巧姐 巧姐.网址
  44. Xing Xiuyan 邢岫烟 邢岫烟.网址
  45. Yuchaun 玉钏 玉钏.网址
  46. Liu Wuʼer 柳五儿 柳五儿.网址
  47. Jia Yingchun 贾迎春 贾迎春.网址
  48. Jia Xichun 贾惜春 贾惜春.网址
  49. Jia Jing 贾敬 贾敬.网址
  50. Xue Ke 薛蝌 薛蝌.网址
  51. Jin Yuanyang 金鸳鸯 金鸳鸯.网址
  52. Wang Xifeng 王熙凤 王熙凤.网址
  53. Jia Lian 贾琏 贾琏.网址

Chinese Domain Name 中文域名

Monday 16 August 2021

Chinese Historical Figures

网址 means website and .网址 is a Chinese script gTLD (generic Top Level Domain). KNET is the registry for .网址. Detailed information about .网址 is available at English ➜ and Chinese ➜ Namestat provides a comprehensive set of statistics for .网址 domains ➜

Now to an initiative which I consider to be creative, imaginative and seriously impressive. There are hundreds (maybe thousands) of .网址 webpages each of which describes a Chinese historical figure, an emperor, a poet, a painter and so on. The domain name of each webpage is of the form "Chinese Historical Figure".网址 (历史名人.网址). Within each webpage there are links to other (relevant) Chinese historical figures. Below I list a very small subset of these webpages. The webpages are in Chinese and so I have also included a link to a relevant English wikipedia page, if one is available.

  1. Emperors
    1. 秦始皇.网址
    2. 李世民.网址
    3. 朱棣.网址
  2. Painters
    1. 张择端.网址
    2. 仇英.网址
    3. 恽寿平.网址
  3. Physicians
    1. 扁鹊.网址
    2. 皇甫谧.网址
    3. 孙思邈.网址
  4. Poets
    1. 杜甫.网址
    2. 李白.网址
    3. 王维.网址
  5. Writers
    1. 曹雪芹.网址
    2. 罗贯中.网址
    3. 吴承恩.网址 Chengʼen
  6. The four beauties of ancient China 四大美女
    1. 西施.网址
    2. 王昭君.网址
    3. No 网址 page
    4. 杨玉环.网址
  7. Dream of the Red Chamber 红楼梦 (fictional) Characters

    1. 林黛玉.网址
    2. 薛宝钗.网址
    3. 史湘云.网址
    4. 王熙凤.网址
  8. Water Margin 水浒传 (fictional) Characters
    1. 蔡福.网址
    2. 林冲.网址
    3. 鲁智深.网址

You can explore .网址 domain websites using the site command ➜网址

Chinese Domain Name 中文域名

Monday 12 July 2021

Embracing Native Script Person Names

I have long considered that we should do more to embrace and encourage use of native script person names rather than only using romanised person names. It seems to me, at times, that native script person names are being romanised out of existence.

Here are some real person names in both romanised and native script forms. I have written the romanised names in the conventional English ordering of given name followed by family name.

  1. Su-wei Hsieh 謝淑薇謝淑薇
  2. Jae-suk Yoo 유재석유재석
  3. Kyoko Fukada 深田恭子深田恭子
  4. Chinnawut Inthra-khusin ชินวุฒ อินทรคูสินชินวุฒ_อินทรคูสิน

Here are some considerations for embracing and encouraging use of native script names in an International English context.

🌎 Let people know you have a native script name. It is my (English) experience and observations that romanised names dominate and take precedence over native script names. I belong to a number of international email lists and forums and those members that do have native acript names usually only use their romanised names in communication. I suggest, instead, that you always use both your romanised and native script names eg at the end of your email or in an email signature. I encourage my students to, at every possible opportunity, use both romanised and native script names eg on the cover page of their project report. Think of your name as being complete when it is presented as a language pair, such as, Jae-suk Yoo 유재석 or Jae-suk 재석.

🌍 When communicating with someone, make an effort to learn and use their native script name. I am not expecting you to learn how to write a name in , say, Chinese, Thai, or Arabic. Rather, learn how best to address that person with their native script name. The person's preference may be for given name only or full name or some other convention. You have, of course, already saved that person's native script name and so all you need to do is a copy/paste.

Then there are Latin script names which have letters with diacritics. My given name has the acute accent over the letter e. So, my given name written correctly is André. How many people write my name correctly? Not many!! Most write my name as Andre!! It really is not very difficult to write my name correctly. All it takes is a tiny tiny amount of thought and effort. Many keyboards have a feature to make writing letters with diacritics easy. If I hold down the e key on my ABC - Extended OSX keyboard I am presented with a popup which gives me a choice of è or é or ê or ë or ē or ė or ę. Hold down the a key and I have a choice between à or á or â or ä or æ or ã or å or ā. Experiment with your keyboard. Press and hold some of the keys and see what happens. Many person names use letters with diacritics, not just mine. Ciarán, Órlaith and Ruairí are Irish Gaelic names which have the fada diacritic. Now that you know how easy it is to write Latin script letters with diacritics, I expect you to write such names correctly!

🌏 Store both the native script name and romanised name in your database. So, you have an online form for a person to enter their details. Your form may, for example, request entry of family name and given name and only allow the person to enter ASCII characters. I suggest then that you have an additional field which allows the person to enter their native script name. This field should accept Unicode characters as Unicode encompasses many human language scripts and will eventually cover all known human language scripts. Entering Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Thai, Arabic ...etc... names now becomes possible. Entering my name correctly now becomes possible. Currently, I am suggesting that this field would not be a primary key field but rather would complement the romanised name.

Think of university graduation certificates. In the UK, the name of the student to whom it is awarded will have their name printed in romanised form only. We now have the native script name in the database and so we can have a certificate with a student's romanised and native script names. That would be so cool and adds to the international credentials of the university. I wonder which UK university will be the first to do it?

🌎 Use romanised and native script name pairs in your social media posts. My informal observations indicate that the majority of social media posts use romanised names only. The native script name is now available in the database and so, at every opportunity, use the name pair in your social media posts. A simple user interface to the database could provide the name pair as a single click copy which then can then be pasted into social media posts.

🌎 How to write the possessive form of a name pair? Over the years I have tried various constructs for writing the possessive with a name pair and never being satisfied with any of the constructs I have devised, until recently. In my twitter thread I have devised name pair possessive constructs for English and Korean language contexts which I am happy with.

  1. English language context: (Subin Yang 양수빈)’s ...
  2. Korean language context: (양수빈 Subin Yang)의 ...

🌍 Romanised names can be much less accurate than native script names. There are many different romanisations standards. There are name romanisations which do not adhere to any standard. Thus there can be more than one romanisation of a native script name, thus making the romanised names non unique and inaccurate. Here is a fictious and exaggerated for humourous effect example.

There is also a crucial consideration with respect to Chinese names. The hanyu pinyin 汉语拼音 (the standard romanisation used in China, there are other romanisations) form is much less accurate than the native script form. Many different Chinese names can be written with the same pinyin. A pinyin syllable usually has several/many different Chinese characters. Hong, for example, could be the pinyin for the Chinese characters 红 or 虹. Imagine reading the following dialogue which features several Chinese people each with a different Chinese name but written in Hanyu Pinyin, all the names are the same.

Hi Hong Wang. Oh, Hi Hong Wang I did not notice you. These are my classmates Hong Wang, Hong Wang and Hong Wang. We are just going for a drink. Please do join us and bring your friend Hong Wang. Sorry, we cannot as we are going to a football match where we will be meeting with our work colleagues Hong Wang, Hong Wang, Hong Wang, Hong Wang, Hong Wang, Hong Wang, Hong Wang and Hong Wang ...etc...😀

🌏 If you teach Computer Science you can contribute to this endeavour and at the same time greatly enhance the skills of your students. If your teaching involves any aspect of text then go beyond ASCII text and incorporate Unicode text into your teaching. The Unicode code charts illustrate how extensive and inclusive Unicode is ➜

Letʼs assume you are teaching a module on databases. You will be teaching your students skills, such as, setting up database tables, defining text fields, storing text, sorting on text fields, searching text fields and so on. It is highly likely that one or more such text fields will be person names. Populate those name fields with non Latin script text or Latin script names with diacritics. Enrich your teaching by incorporating native script Thai, Japanese, Korean, Arabic ...etc... person names. Set an assignment that involves storing, sorting and searching native script Chinese names.

An added advantage of incorporating Unicode person names into your teaching is that you will be developing global skills in your students and encouraging global thinking.

🌏 Usernames and Passwords and Email Addresses do not need to be ASCII only. In additional to traditional person names there are internet person identifiers in the form of usernames and email addresses. Many Systems/Computer Scientists/Programmers/Sys Admins insist that these identifiers have to be ASCII. I can assure you that these identifiers can be Unicode rather than ASCII which means these identifiers can consist of characters from most any human language script. I setup my with a Japanese Kana かな username and a Korean Hangul 한글 password.

Whilst thinking about this article, I remembered So funny and so true🙂