Thursday, 20 May 2021

Millions of Domain Names

There are a number of organisations which maintain ranked lists of popular Domain Names where popular is determined by the criteria of said organisation.

🌏 Cisco Umbrella 1 Million

🌏 DomCop Top 10 million domains

🌏 The Majestic Million

🌏 DN Pedia: Top Million Websites & TLDs Provides an interactive interface to the Alexa Top 1 Million list.

Friday, 7 May 2021

IDN (Internationalized Domain Names) Statistics

The following sites give information on the number of registrations of IDN TLDs (Internationalised Domain Name Top Level Domains). These IDN TLDs use scripts other than the Latin script. IDN TLDs include, for example, .भारत (India) and .我爱你 (I Love You). For full list of TLDs, please see

🌏 lists the approximate number of domain name registrations for each TLD (Top Level Domain). Thay have one section dedicated to IDNs

🌎 namestat ICANN IDN new gTLDs are listed at

🌎 Domain Name Stats Click the top level light green button to select the category IDNs. It will remember your choice in a cookie.

🌍 Domain Name Stat Can list by TLD type such as generic or country but cannot list IDNs only and IDNs are displayed as punycode and not Unicode.

🌏 nTLDStats It has stats on ICANN New gTLDs and does not have a separate section explicitly for IDNs only.

🌏 Registries will have information on the IDN TLDs they manage. KRNIC (Korea Network Information Centre) manage .한국 (Korea) and the stats are available on their website at 한국인터넷정보센터.한국/jsp/eng/domain/kr/statistics.jsp

🌏 domain-status daily registrations Provides daily domain name registrations for TLDs .com, .net, .org, .info, .us, .name, .asia and .pro.

Wednesday, 5 May 2021

Jongno Hall Restaurant

Jongno Hall 종로회관 is a restaurant in Jeonju city 전주시, South Korea. It's website has the Korean Domain Name 종로회관.닷컴 where 닷컴 is Verisign's Korean Hangul dot com. Here is Jongno Hall on Kakao Road View 카카오로드뷰

Majestic have The Majestic Million which is their list of the domain names of the top 1 million websites according to their link based ranking system The Majestic Million is, as you were probably expecting, dominated by dot com, eg is at position 1, the highest rank, followed closely by at position 2. There are though a small number non ASCII TLDs (Top Level Domains) in the list, such as: 한국 (South Korea), москва (moscow), 网络 (internet) and 닷컴 (dot com).

Much to my (pleasant) surprise, on April 25th 2021, Jongno Hall's domain 종로회관.닷컴 made a grand entrance into The Majestic Million at position 960,703 and was labelled as a "New Entry". Since then it has been rapidly climbing up the rankings and currently (17th August 2021) has ranking position 43,197. I was tracking progress on a (mostly) daily basis which you can see on my twitter at or 고.한국/jongno.

Instant Page 인스턴트 페이지 lists Jongno Hall Restaurant website 종로회관.닷컴 as one of their works.

You are now probably expecting a conclusion with an explanation of why Jongno Hall has entered and is rapidly climbing The Majestic Million rankings. Well... sorry to disappoint but I do not have an explanation 🤔 😳 I guess SEO and/or promotion. If you have any insights please do tweet or message me at

Update 10th July 2021: The improvement in ranking of 종로회관.닷컴 has significantly slowed down so I am now going to stop regularly monitoring this site. I will check back occasionally. If you would like to see it's ranking position for yourself then please visit닷컴&oq=. You will be presented with a list of all domains in "The Majestic Million" with the TLD (Top Level Domain) 닷컴 which currently is just 종로회관.닷컴.

Korean Domain Name 한글 도메인 네임