Latin Script acronyms are common place. Much more interesting are acronyms in non latin scripts. Even more interesting is when non latin script acronyms are used for IDNs. Below, I list acronym IDNs I have found. I list both the full form and the acronym form.
- Beijing University 北京大学.中国 北大.中国
- Beijing University 北京大學.中國 北大.中國
- HongKong University 香港大學.hk 港大.hk
- Okayama University 岡山大学.jp 岡大.jp
DDN Co. Ltd, Japan, has an acronym as their Company name. They have an IDN which is also an acronym. Their IDN is a transliteration of DDN into Japanese Katakana where ディー is D and N is エヌ.