China's new idn ccTLDs 中国 and 中國 are now live. These ccTLDs are in addition to the ascii cn ccTLD. Here some examples of the now fully internationalised Domain Names.
- Beijing/Peking University http://北京大学.中国/
- Beijing/Peking University http://北京大學.中国/
- Beijing/Peking University http://北京大学.中國/
- Beijing/Peking University http://北京大學.中國/
- Loughborough University http://拉夫堡大学.中国/
- Loughborough University http://拉夫堡大學.中国/
- Loughborough University http://拉夫堡大学.中國/
- Loughborough University http://拉夫堡大學.中國/
- Nanchang University http://南昌大学.中国/
- Nanchang University http://南昌大學.中国/
- Nanchang University http://南昌大学.中國/
- Nanchang University http://南昌大學.中國/
These addresses are combinations of Simplified and Traditional Chinese. Each label of these Domain Names is either Simplified or Traditional Chinese. For each of these Universities I have used the following order of combinations:-
- Simplified Chinese dot Simplified Chinese
- Traditional Chinese dot Simplified Chinese
- Simplified Chinese dot Traditional Chinese
- Traditional Chinese dot Traditional Chinese